Tuesday we started class on campus like usual. We were fortunate to have Kevin Kimle come to our class and give a presentation titled "The Farmer Entrepreneur". Not only did he provide a well rounded definition for the term entrepreneur, but he also helped the class to realize there are multiple ways to become an entrepreneur. Several of the students in the 450 class will find themselves returning to the family farm in the next few months and Kimle provided all students, but especially these, with information to help them feel comfortable in a possible entrepreneurial position.
Following the presentation, our usual Tuesday business meeting was conducted. Liquifiers to help prevent the hog manure from crusting were purchased by the swine committee. Following everyone's reports we approved, as a class, a couple bills presented by the finance committee.
Thursday has been full of busy work. With the rain/snow mix falling outside, committees who are usually busy outside find themselves inside accompanied with busy work. Committee pictures are on the agenda and in the process to provide our social media with temporary photo updates of the Spring 2012 class. Later in the semester we plan on taking better ones when the weather is nicer.
Marketing Committee is working on getting magnets and/or stickers for trucks and tractors for advertising purposes. Finance committee is continually crunching numbers. Overall, turning out to be a very productive day even with the crumby weather!