Tuesday, April 12, 2011

450 Farm Students Gets PQA Certified!

Today the Swine Committee had their experiential teaching activity. They had Nick Pudenz, from swine graphics talk to us about overall heard health and the 10 Good Production Practices in the PQA Plus Certification manual. Some of these Good Production Practices include use antibiotics responsibility, adhere to medication withdrawal times, and provide proper swine care. During the time out in the barn, students were able to move pigs from pen to pen and learn about working with pigs in a finisher.

The Swine Committee also showed us how to administer shots and how to move pigs from one pen to an other. Some of the students were unable to enter the 450 swine barns because they didn't want to transfer any diseases from the 450 farm back home. For those students, Raven gave us a virtual tour of a hog barn.