Last week (October 18th-22nd) we had a short week due to the College of Agriculture and Life Science Career Day that was held on campus.
As for this last week we kept busy working during class on our strategic issues as well as listening to presentations from class members!
Committee Updates:
Public Relations: We were busy last week giving out Experiential Teaching Assignment to the class. They had to write scripts and film videos about what each committee does. Overall, I think the class had fun making the videos!
Buildings and Grounds: We are still tearing down the farrowing building.
Marketing: With the higher grain prices right now, we are looking at selling some of next years crops. We also need to sell a little more of the current crop to cover some of our costs at the end of the year.
Machinery: We are going to be cleaning machinery now that harvest is complete. The committee will be putting machinery away and getting ready for winter.
Customs: Last week we made a video. This week, we are working on our strategic issue.
Crops: Harvest is complete. We will be harvesting the test plot tomorrow with our seed reps. The corn stalks have been baled from the dairy farm as well.
Finance: We are working hard to keep the cash flow updated and we are currently working on getting all the necessary information together for a net worth statement.