Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 26 Class Update

Last week (October 18th-22nd) we had a short week due to the College of Agriculture and Life Science Career Day that was held on campus.

As for this last week we kept busy working during class on our strategic issues as well as listening to presentations from class members!

Committee Updates:

Public Relations: We were busy last week giving out Experiential Teaching Assignment to the class. They had to write scripts and film videos about what each committee does. Overall, I think the class had fun making the videos!

Buildings and Grounds: We are still tearing down the farrowing building.

Marketing: With the higher grain prices right now, we are looking at selling some of next years crops. We also need to sell a little more of the current crop to cover some of our costs at the end of the year.

Machinery: We are going to be cleaning machinery now that harvest is complete. The committee will be putting machinery away and getting ready for winter.

Customs: Last week we made a video. This week, we are working on our strategic issue.

Crops: Harvest is complete. We will be harvesting the test plot tomorrow with our seed reps. The corn stalks have been baled from the dairy farm as well.

Finance: We are working hard to keep the cash flow updated and we are currently working on getting all the necessary information together for a net worth statement.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10/12/10 class update

Welcome to another beautiful day in the neighborhood.... :)
We have been busy with harvest!  Beans are almost done for us.

Committee updates-
Buildings and Grounds- Tore the tin off of the farrowing bin that we are tearing down.
Marketing-We have held off on selling anymore of our commodities.  Fortunately the prices for corn and beans have increased significantly with over $5/bu corn and $11/bu beans. as soon as we have all the crop harvested, we will make the decision the sell more.  We believe the prices will continue to increase due to the report from the government that came out stating our yields are lower then expected.  Also, we have one 3000 bushel contract of beans filled already.
Machinery-All harvest machinery is running in good shape and tillage equipment is almost ready.
Customs-Working on bills for soybean harvest.
Crops-Almost done with beans, looking to finish tomorrow. Continued to monitor moisture percent in corn fields. Yields are right around 50 bu/a.  Corn will be ready to go as soon as we get done with the beans and switch heads.
Finance-Updated cash flow, we are going to approve bills to be paid and work on our experiential teaching.
PR-We are working on our experiential teaching as well.  We also are taking the class picture on Thursday! :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October 5, 2010

Today in class, we had a guest speaker. Brad Pfantz from Jansen-Pfantz Insurance came to class and talked about Crop Hail Insurance.

Public Relations: Last week we gave a tour to Helen Olson's orientation class on Tuesday. On Thursday, we took pictures and participated in the Buildings and Grounds experiential teaching activity.

Buildings and Grounds: Last week we had our experential learning activity as well as the Farm Operations Club clean-up day. We taught the class how to construct a windbreak, seed lawn and how to use different chemicals around the farm. 450 clean-up day was a success, we had a decent turnout, but hope for more next time. Overall, we want to thank the class for their help. This week we will continue with odd jobs around the farm.

Marketing: We sold another 1000 bushels of soybeans at $10.43 per bushel. Yields are looking better than expected so it should be an excecptional profitable year considering prices are still above breakeven costs.

Machinery: Soybean harvest has begun and to our knowledge there have only been a few minor breakdowns on the bean head. Our next project will be to make sure the new ripper is field ready as it has dried out enough to start considering some tillage. We will work with the customs committee to make sure everything is ready for them as well.

Customs: We are currently working on our experiential teaching project, which we will present to the class on Thursday.

Crops: We are currently working on our experiential teaching project. This past weekend we were busy with harvest and with no rain on the forecast, we will be busy this week.

Finance: We approved bills last week, worked on the buildings and grounds learning activitiy. This week we need to approve more bills, and it is our clean-up week.