If you're looking for a funny commentary, sorry this one takes a slightly different turn.
Four years. Most people don't even work at the same job for four years. What do you do with four years of memories that suddenly come crashing to a halt?
the friends.
the parties.
the freshman 15.
the first all nighter.
the VEISHEA memories.
the first college girlfriend.
the 16 DPS parking tickets you got...in one year.
the freshman pranks on the punk down the hall.
the meaningful conversations with your roommate at 4 am.
the only bowl game we qualified for. Get it done coach Rhodes!
the first test you failed, and thinking you had failed at life.
the freezing cold walks to class in a blizzard.
the many forgotten assignments.
the life lessons learned.
the friends you made that you will never forget. the friends.
the good friends remain, the ones that just wanted your stuff, they fade.
Now its on to the real world. We're suddenly tossed from classes and homework to customers and contracts. Deadlines have teeth. Families need fed. Dad's fields don't need planted anymore but yours do, and if they don't get planted you loose money, not dad. Most of us are 22 or 23, we've got a whole 60 years left before we get covered with dirt and start pushing up daisies. What will we do with that time between now and then? In 100 years no one is going to remember us unless we invent something as revolutionary as the clock. Your name will just be another that is read off at family reunions.
What will you do with your life? I feel like living for my own name and leaving nothing but a gravestone behind is pointless. All that will represent my accomplishments is a dash between date of birth and date of death. People will only see a dash for every material thing I ever gained. The dash represents all my money and fame. A dash. A one inch dash. Maybe this life is to be lived serving others, living for some thing so much more than ourselves.
Think about it.